We were made for times like this.

In the early 90s the Timex watch company advertised, “It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.”  The idea was that Timex watches were manufactured to take the worst life could throw at them and keep performing as designed.  Rough treatment and adverse conditions were what the watches were made for.  In other words, the watch was not to be pampered and protected but used daily in all life’s activities.

The same goes for Christians.    Peter writes, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.”  1 Peter 4:12-13

We are not pampered lap lambs but gnarly wilderness sheep.  We are designed to thrive in the worst conditions.  We are anointed, empowered, and expected to overcome all trials and troubles.  We may become scarred, but we are equipped to excel when all others fail.  Whatever you face today, or tomorrow, it is the exact opportunity you were created for.  Show up.  Be available.  Trust Him.  Engage your best.  When you walk with the King you are more than conquerors.  Attempt great things.

In addition, we were never intended to do this alone.  Even gnarly wilderness sheep live in flocks.  We need each other to bear up.  We are able to persevere as we thrive on that which each of the other parts of the flock/family/body provide.  The worst thing we can do is become isolated and try it alone.  Even when you are down and out you are a blessing to others who get to use their gifts as God intended, to support you.  Then in turn you provide what He was given you.  Together. with Christ and each other all things are possible.  Be encouraged.


Pray for God to raise up His church to stand firm in these days of doubt, discouragement and deception.  May we stand firm and be overcomers proclaiming his glory.

Pray for power and faith to persevere.  Standing firm is not easy.

Pray for wisdom to know how to live.  The new travel restrictions make it nearly impossible for Tornado Pete and associates to go to Haiti and get back into the country.

Praise him for His presence and word.  He has given us all we need to celebrate and witness.  Pray for thankful hearts that bring peace and contentment because He reigns.

Tornado Pete

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