Stuart Pederson

Stuart Pederson

Wheels and Lug Nuts:

Ahoy Me Maties!  The wind is fresh, and the waves are rolling.  It’s a great day on the High Seas. Pete’s car had a flat tire the other day.  It was so flat the bead had broken.  He could not…

We were made for times like this.

In the early 90s the Timex watch company advertised, “It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.”  The idea was that Timex watches were manufactured to take the worst life could throw at them and keep performing as designed.  Rough treatment…


Greetings in the LORD JESUS CHRIST!  By now you have run the gambit of feeling and emotions.  Grief, loss, betrayal, anger, remorse, discouragement, disappointment, denial, panic, fear, and the list goes on.  Christmas may seem like a side note.  How…


What is your purpose?  Why are you alive and what are you to do?  Most of us ask such questions.  Maybe you are asking now.  A believer in Jesus Christ are the Called-Out ones.  They are chosen with a purpose.  As…


Show up, as you never know the potential, today holds!   Fifty-Five years ago, October 28, (yes it was a Wednesday) the day started like any other day.  Life was simple with few cares or worries.  World problems held little…


TORNADO PETE OCTOBER 2020 Scroll Down Ahoy Me Maties!!!!   Batten down the hatches, keep a firm hand on the tiller and a keen eye on the compass.  It is easy to go astray with all the craziness a blowen around. …


TORNADO PETE AUGUST 2020 Scroll Down Ahoy me Maties!  Argh it is a challenging day on the High Seas.  The skies are grey, the winds are contrary, and the waves are rough.  But that is what we signed up for. …

JULY 2020

TORNADO PETE JULY 2020 Scroll Down Victim or Volunteer  07/13/20 VICTIM or VOLUNTEER Identifying yourself as a victim seems to be a popular perspective these days.  As a victim you have no responsibility for any of your problems.  Your pain, plight and problems…

MAY 2020

TORNADO PETE MAY 2020 Scroll Down Safe or Sailing  05/18/20   Greetings from the High Seas of this current adventure.  We, as a state and nation, are tentatively taking steps to reopen our society and economy to the new normal. …

APRIL 2020

TORNADO PETE APRIL 2020 Scroll Down Ministry Musings 04/13/20 Good Morning!  I am sorry concerning this late update on God’s working through yesterday’s service.  Don’t be surprised that God did not work the way I expected.  By faith, I know exceptional things…